Sunday, October 20, 2013

Breast Cancer Awareness - "It's October"

                                                  Our October "Pink Dessert Table"
     As a special tribute to those that have been affected by the disease of breast cancer, we dedicate this blog to all of you.  Breast Disease Awareness Month is dear to our hearts.  That's why we chose to feature a "pink" dessert table showcasing the symbol we all need to remember.   And please spread the word, "Get a mammogram". 
     The ornate round wooden side table is a perfect size for our display.  Cascading an antique lace runner on top of the table adds a sense of elegance.   

      Tiered and towering silver bowls hold jumbo cupcakes with piled high pink icing and then topped with fresh red strawberry fans.  The cupcake holders are made from several different pink card stock designs.
     Pink candy in a crystal bowl and pink marshmallows in a small vase are placed to the left of the cupcakes.
     Finishing the table with pink ribbons, paper roses and the Breast Cancer Awareness symbol validates our "Special October Table". 

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