Wednesday, May 16, 2012


      We've been friends for years.  It all started when we taught school together.  Who knew "TWO" Home Economics teachers would reinvent themselves years later?  Yes, that's Jan and Ronnie, we're now called Designing Dishes and teaching on YouTube.  That's us!
       In the early years of teaching , we thought alike and sometimes even completed each other's sentences.  We were two peas in a pod.   Yes, we loved our profession and dressed for the part.  Our heels matched our outfits and everyone waited to see if we would ever dress alike.  Well, that happened!  There was a great dress pattern that both of us wanted to sew.  We made our dresses, one was pink and one was green.  We wore them the same day and we're sure everyone thought we wanted to be twin sisters.  We laugh about that today!
      We loved our students.  Our goal was to teach them as much as we could.  Our ideas for teaching were unique. We never backed away from a novel idea.   We challenged ourselves to teach about life and making goals for an occupation.  That's why we started teaching about the restaurant business.  Parents and teachers would be our guests.  Students designed the restaurant, made the uniforms, cooked the food and of course served great dishes.  The kids loved it.  It was a hit!
       So now, years later we're doing it again.  We've come up with a new idea.  Why not teach everyone what we know and love?  That's Home Economics with a new spin.  Our YouTube teaching videos are  about how we cook, bake, design and entertain.  Our blog will feature recipes we love, tips on designing, expounding on our videos and sharing our love of entertainment.   It's going to be FUN!!!!!     

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